Let’s Manifest the Fuck out of Life!

Ever wondered how some people seem able to make things happen in their lives with ease? Or noticed how some people just seem to have good things happen to them?

Well, it’s no accident, or luck.

A few years back, I was unhappy. My relationship was not working and there were things I wanted to do that scared me. There were times I felt as though I was on the outside looking in. Other people were fulfilling their dreams… what was stopping me?

For years and years, I wanted to do things I didn’t think I could realistically achieve, like write a book, leave my marriage, or have a mortgage on my own. Financial independence was an enormous block for me. I wanted things to change, yet I felt clipped, unable to fly.

Then one day I stumbled across The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. I am sure many of you have heard of it and if you haven’t read it, get yourself a copy!

That book changed everything! Now, some of the processes can seem a little silly, so if this is unfamiliar to you, stay with me.

The first thing I did was to get a Polaroid picture of myself and I wrote on it the things I dreamed of that seemed impossible, as well as writing myself a cheque.

That next month, I got a job for the exact amount I wrote on the cheque. And, well, you know the rest.

Book ✔️

Divorced ✔️

Happily single ✔️

A mortgage of my own ✔️

Financial independence ✔️

The Polaroid still lives on my dressing table. It’s my daily visual representation and reminder that manifesting works.

And it can work for you too!

So what is it?

Manifestation is based on the Law of Attraction, which basically means the ability to bring things into our realities through energetic attraction. If you accept that like attracts like, then what you are putting out into the world is what you will receive back from it.

And although it’s got really popular in the last few years, it’s one of those laws of the universe that has been around forever. It started gaining attention at the beginning of the 20th century with writers and thinkers writing books about it and it grew from there.

And it’s fucking powerful if you do it right.

If simply being able to think something into existence seems too easy, then consider this… We are manifesting all the time!

Moment to moment, we are creating our reality. We just do it unconsciously most of the time so we don’t realize that it’s happening, or that we are in control of it.

Changing your focus…

The problem is, most of us focus on what we don’t want…

We don’t want to be broke; we don’t want to be single; we don’t want to be in that job, and then spend a lot of energy moaning about our lives or feeling dissatisfied.

If we are doing it all the time anyway, it only takes a few shifts to manifest what we DO want. Bringing awareness to your thoughts and words is the start. When we talk about what we DO want, our energy changes, our vibrations rise and we attract those things to us. See it as a psychological trick, a way to jump over those self-limiting beliefs.

It’s fun and fucking amazing when it happens. I find it can be spiritual, a sort of coming back to ourselves and reclaiming an ancient wisdom.

And it’s not just about getting big fancy cars or private jets. I believe you can use it every day, just to get through the day. It can be whatever you want or need it to be.

Feeling into it…

You see, our minds and bodies are intrinsically linked. Just close your eyes for a moment and remember a time when you felt happy, when something good happened. Can you feel it in your body? I mean, you just have to think about something sexy to feel a tingle, right?

So if your body does not know if something is real or not, it makes sense to create good thoughts and images and feel into them as though you have them now. When you do, your whole being will react to that. Your energy increases as does your vibration. When you vibrate at a higher frequency, you feel happier, mentally and emotionally. Even if you have a bad day, you’ll bounce back faster and the bad things in your life stop affecting you as much as they once did.

Keep doing this and watch what happens. You will start to attract the people, things and situations you want!

It does not happen right away. It’s like a practice and, like any habit, over time you will start doing it naturally.

Want to find out more?

If you want a kick start into the world of manifesting, then come along to our new course. Being around others doing the same and changing their lives for the better is not only inspiring, it’s contagious!




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